6 Books Every Leader Should Read 

I often get asked my opinion on the best books for leadership development.

If you’re leading a team, you can never stop growing as a leader.

Your self development process is paramount to your success as a leader.

If you don’t invest in your personal development, your team will lose confidence in you.

They won’t trust you and they won’t admire or value you as a leader.

So what are you doing right now to develop yourself as a leader?

What are you reading?

How To Share Positive Feedback With Your Team

Your team is everything.

You would not be where you are without your team.

You’re the one that gets all the credit, when things go right.

They’re the ones that get all the blame when things go wrong.

This creates an environment where your team doesn’t feel like their success is tied to your success.

And that’s because you don’t give enough positive feedback.

Positive feedback helps people improve, become more productive and be more deeply engaged at work.

Here are three keys for sharing positive feedback with your team.

How to Become an Effective Communicator – Anton Gunn

You need to get better with your communication when it comes to leading your team. 
In a time like this, where things are going so fast and we’re dealing with many different challenges; communication is at a premium. 
So, it needs to be efficient. 
It needs to be effective and the message needs to be received. 
People are not able to execute when there’s not good communication amongst your team. 
Many things could go wrong, especially in healthcare. 
People can die if you don’t have good communication.  
Here are a few things to think about as you communicate with your team. 

What To Do When Your Boss Expects You To Work On Vacation

You’re on vacation.

You’re trying to enjoy time with your family and reconnect with them.

But you just happened to look down at your phone and you see that your boss is emailing you.

They’re asking you where something is.

They want you to jump on a call while you’re on vacation.

You’re feeling frustrated about this because you have no boundaries.

When it comes to work, whether it’s night, weekends or vacation, you find yourself responding to messages from a boss that is a workaholic.

It sucks, it’s frustrating and you need to do something about it.

How To Keep Your Team Together

Your team is not on the same page.  
People are ready to leave the organization.  
It is your responsibility to put the team together because if that team doesn’t stay together, here’s what’s going to happen: 
You’re going to have problems. 
Major things will fall through the cracks. 
Then nobody’s going to be there to help you overcome those problems.  
People will begin working in a selfish way, 
They’ll only care about their own goals and success. 
You’ve got to fix this. 
And there is a simple solution to this. 

How To Give Negative Feedback To Your Boss

It’s has happened again.  
They’ve done something that is not right.  
They’ve put themselves in a position that makes you feel bad. 
Yes, I’m talking about your boss. 
You want to help because you care about them and the organization. 
But they continue to make mistakes. 
And you’re struggling to give feedback. 
But, the same way you see these mistakes, so does everyone else. 

And this will reflect on you as well. 
You may be afraid to approach your boss because they don’t take feedback well or like criticism at all. 
Here are a couple of things to think about before approaching your CEO with feedback. 

Reasons You’re Failing As A New Executive

What you’re doing is not working as a leader.   It’s more than just having a title.  You must be a leader that actually makes a difference.  Right now, you’re not doing that.  Allowing other people to dump more work on your staff, because you’re trying to impress them, is not being helpful.  You can’t just allow other […]

How To Get More Productive At Work

If you’re anything like me, you’re more busy than you’ve ever been in your life.  

I’m talking back-to-back meetings with no time to take lunch. 

You’re doing more than you ever thought you can do, but at the same time, you’re feeling less productive. 

Your team and organization are demanding more productivity.  

You’ve got to get more output and you’re wondering how. 

How do you become more productive at work?  

How To Make Sure Your Team Feels Appreciated

Things are hard for your entire team and organization.

People are being stretched from left to right.

You, as a leader, need to find a way to appreciate your team.

If you don’t find a way to appreciate your team, people are going to feel like you don’t care about them.

They’ll feel like you don’t value the contribution they make to the organization.

They’ll feel like you’re not invested in them.

When they start to feel like this, they’ll become uninvested in you and the organization.

This is why many people resign from the workplace today; because of a lack of appreciation.

If you don’t appreciate your team, they will leave and then you’ll have a turnover problem.

You’ll get backed up with more challenges and unable to meet the needs of all the people who are demanding your expertise.

You must avoid this at all costs.

Here are three simple things that you should be doing to show your team that you appreciate them.

Two Skills You Need To Become A Top Executive

You think you’re ready to become the top executive at your organization.

But the question is, do you have the two pieces of information that will determine your success as a top executive?

There’s a lot of people who chase the top spot in any organization.

They come in thinking that the job is about 50 different things, and they miss the two most important things that will determine their level of success.

If you don’t have these two things, you’ll become an executives that just has the title.

I want to give them to you and give you an opportunity to understand how to become a successful top executive.

One that is doing amazing things.

One that is growing a great organization and growing great people.

One that puts yourself in the best position to be successful longterm.